The Photonic Materials Group, led by Prof. Albert Polman, is a research group in the Center for Nanophotonics at AMOLF, a research laboratory of the Dutch Research Counsel NWO, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Cathodoluminescence microscopy

- Cathodoluminescence holography
- Photon-induced near-field electron microscopy
- Picosecond CL pump-probe spectroscopy
Light management in photovoltaics

- Spectrum splitting in perovskite/Si tandem solar cells, colored PV
- Metal nanowire selective contacts on Si solar cells
- Light trapping in thin-film and tandem solar cells
- Novel spectrum splitting, downconversion, LSC architectures
Optical metamaterials

- Analog computational optical metasurfaces
- Passive radiative cooling metasurfaces
- Switchable optical metasurfaces