1) Review articles, basics of CL
2) Interferometry, holography, metrology
3) CL photon bunching, single-photon generation
4) PINEM, Smith-Purcell radiation, CL-EELS correlations
5) Ultrafast CL, lifetime measurements
6) Angle-resolved CL, energy-momentum spectroscopy, dispersion spectroscopy, polarimetry
7) CL excitation and imaging of Mie modes
8) Other CL papers
The most relevant introductory papers are marked in green
1) Review articles, basics of CL
- Electron-beam spectroscopy for nanophotonics
A. Polman, M. Kociak, and F.J. Garcia de Abajo, Nature Mater. 18, 1158 (2019) - Complementary cathodoluminescence lifetime imaging configurations in a scanning electron microscope
S. Meuret, M. Solà Garcia, T. Coenen, E. Kieft, H. Zeijlemaker, M. Lätzel, S. Christiansen, S.Y. Woo, Y.H. Ra, Z. Mi, and A. Polman, Ultramicroscopy 197, 28 (2019) - Femtosecond plasmon and photon wave packets excited by a high energy electron on a metal or dielectric interface
B.J.M. Brenny, A. Polman, and F.J. García de Abajo, Phys. Rev B 94, 155412 (2016) - A new cathodoluminescence system for nanoscale optics, materials science, and geology
T. Coenen, S.V. den Hoedt, and A. Polman, Microscopy Today 24, 12 (2016) - Nanophotonics: shrinking light-based technology
A.F. Koenderink, A. Alù, and A. Polman, Science 348, 516 (2015) - Quantifying coherent and incoherent cathodoluminescence in semiconductors and metals
B.J.M. Brenny, T. Coenen, and A. Polman, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 244307 (2014)
2) CL interferometry, holography, metrology
- Free electron-plasmon coupling strength and near-field retrieval through electron-energy-dependent cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
E. Akerboom, V. Di Giulio, N.J. Schilder, F.J. García de Abajo, and A. Polman, ACS Nano 18, 13560 (2024) - Toward optimum coupling between free electrons and confined optical modes
- V. Di Giulio, E. Akerboom, A. Polman, and F. J. García de Abajo, ACS Nano 18, 14255 (2024)
- Phase-resolved surface plasmon scattering probed by cathodoluminescence holography
N. Schilder, H. Agrawal, E.C. Garnett, and A. Polman, ACS Photon. 7, 1476 (2020) Supplemental - Nanoscale optical tomography with cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
A. Atre, B.J.M. Brenny, T. Coenen, A. Polman and J.A. Dionne, Nature Nanotech. 10, 429 (2015)
3) CL photon bunching, single-photon generation
- Photon statistics of incoherent cathodoluminescence with continuous and pulsed electron beams
M. Solà-Garcia, K.W. Mauser, T. Coenen, M. Lätzel, S. Christiansen, S. Meuret, and A. Polman, ACS Photon. 8, 916 (2021) with Supplemental - Nanoscale relative emission efficiency mapping using CL g(2) imaging
S. Meuret, T. Coenen, S. Woo, Y.-H. Ra, Z. Mi and A. Polman, Nano Lett. 18, 2288 (2018) - Photon bunching reveals single-electron cathodoluminescence excitation efficiency in InGaN quantum wells
S. Meuret, T. Coenen, M. Lätzel, S. Christiansen, S. Conesa Boj, and A. Polman, Phys. Rev. B 96, 035308 (2017) - Single-photon generation by an electron beam
X. Bendaña, A. Polman, and F.J. García de Abajo, Nano Lett. 11, 5099 (2011) - Efficient generation of propagating plasmons by electron beams
W. Cai, R. Sainidou, J. Xu, A. Polman, and F.J. Garcia de Abajo, Nano Lett. 9, 1176 (2009)
4) PINEM, Smith-Purcell radiation, CL-EELS correlations
- Angular dispersion of free-electron-light coupling in an optical fibre-integrated metagrating
M. Liebtrau and A. Polman, ACS Photon. 11, 1125 (2024) - Cylindrical metalens for generation and focusing of free-electron radiation
A. Karnieli, D. Roitman, M. Liebtrau, S. Tsesses, N. van Nielen, I. Kaminer, A. Arie, and A. Polman, Nano Lett. 22, 5641 (2022) Supplemental - Spontaneous and stimulated electron–photon interactions in nanoscale plasmonic near fields
M. Liebtrau, M. Sivis, A. Feist, H. Lourenco-Martins, N. Pazos-Perez, R.A. Alvarez-Puebla, F.J. Garcia de Abajo, A. Polman, and C. Ropers, Light Sci. Appl. 10, 82 (2021) with News and Views by N. Talebi - Electrons generate self-complementary broadband vortex light beams using chiral photon sieves
N. van Nielen, N. Schilder, M. Hentschel, H. Giessen, A. Polman, and N. Talebi, Nano Lett. 20, 5975 (2020) Supplemental - Merging transformation optics with electron-driven photon sources
N. Talebi, S. Meuret, S. Guo, M. Hentschel, A. Polman, H. Giessen, and P.A. van Aken, Nature Comm. 10, 599 (2019) - Combined electron energy-loss and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy on individual and composite plasmonic nanostructures
T. Coenen, D.T. Schoen, B.J.M. Brenny, A. Polman and M.L. Brongersma Phys. Rev. B 93, 195429 (2016)
5) Ultrafast CL, lifetime measurements
- Pump-probe cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
M. Sola Garcia, K.W. Mauser, N. van Nielen, T. Coenen, S. Meuret, and A. Polman, ArXiv 2112.03034 (2021) - Employing cathodoluminescence for nanothermometry and thermal transport measurements in semiconductor nanowires
K.W. Mauser, M. Sola Garcia, M. Liebtrau, B. Damiliano, P.M. Coulon, S. Vezian, P. Shields, S. Meuret, and A. Polman, ACS Nano 15, 11385 (2021) with Supplemental - Electron-induced state conversion in diamond NV-centers measured with pump-probe cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
M. Solà Garcia, S. Meuret, T. Coenen and A. Polman, ACS Photon. 7, 232 (2019)
6) Angle-resolved CL, energy-momentum spectroscopy, dispersion spectroscopy, polarimetry
- Energy-momentum cathodoluminescence imaging of anisotropic directionality in elliptical aluminum plasmonic bullseye antennas
T. Coenen and A. Polman, ACS Photon. 6, 573 (2019) - Probing the band structure of topological silicon photonic lattices in the visible
S. Peng, N. Schilder, X. Ni, J. van de Groep, A. Alú, A. Khanikaev, H.A. Atwater, and A. Polman, Phys. Rev. Let. 122, 117401 (2019) - Energy-momentum CL spectroscopy of dielectric nanostructures
S. Mignuzzi, M. Mota, T. Coenen, Y. Li, A.P. Mihai, P.K. Petrov, R.F.M. Oulton, S.A Maier, R. Sapienza, ACS Photon. 5, 1381 (2018) - Near-infrared spectroscopic cathodoluminescence imaging polarimetry of silicon photonic crystal waveguides
B.J.M. Brenny, D.M. Beggs, R.E.C. van der Wel, L. Kuipers, and A. Polman, ACS Photon. 3, 2112 (2016) - Angle-resolved cathodoluminescence imaging polarimetry
C. Osorio, T. Coenen, B.J.M. Brenny, A. Polman, and A.F. Koenderink, ACS Photon. 3, 147 (2016) - Directional emission from leaky and guided modes in GaAs nanowires measured by cathodoluminescence
B.J.M. Brenny, D. van Dam, C.I. Osorio, A.F. Koenderink, J. Gomez Rivas, and A. Polman, ACS Photon. 3, 677 (2016) - Azimuthally polarized cathodoluminescence from InP nanowires
B.J.M. Brenny, D. van Dam, C.I. Osorio, A.F. Koenderink, J. Gómez Rivas, and A. Polman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 201110 (2015) - Experimental verification of n-0 structures for visible light
E.J.R. Vesseur, T. Coenen, H. Caglayan, N. Engheta, and A. Polman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 013902 (2013), PRL Editor’s choice, Viewpoint in Physics 6, 1 (2013), and highlighted in Science 338, 727 (2012) and Nature 493, 143 (2013) - Deep-subwavelength imaging of the modal dispersion of light
R. Sapienza, T. Coenen, J. Renger, M. Kuttge, N.F. van Hulst, and A. Polman, Nature Mater. 11, 781 (2012) - Deep-subwavelength spatial characterization of angular emission from single-crystal Au plasmonic ridge nanoantennas
T. Coenen, E.J.R. Vesseur, and A. Polman, ACS Nano 6, 1742 (2012) - Polarization-sensitive cathodoluminescence Fourier microscopy
T. Coenen and A. Polman, Optics Express 20, 18679 (2012) - Angle-resolved cathodoluminescence imaging spectroscopy
T. Coenen, E.J.R. Vesseur, and A. Polman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 143103 (2011) - Directional emission from plasmonic Yagi-Uda antennas probed by angle-resolved cathodoluminescence
T. Coenen, E.J.R. Vesseur, A. Polman, and A.F. Koenderink, Nano Lett. 11, 3779 (2011) - Local density of states, spectrum, and far-field interference of surface plasmon polaritons probed by cathodoluminescence
M. Kuttge, E.J.R. Vesseur, A.F. Koenderink, H.J. Lezec, H.A. Atwater, F.J. García de Abajo, and A. Polman, Phys. Rev. B 79, 113405 (2009) - Dispersion of metal-insulator-metal plasmon polaritons probed by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
M. Kuttge, W. Cai, F.J. García de Abajo, and A.Polman, Phys. Rev. B 80, 033409 (2009) - How grooves reflect and confine surface plasmon polaritons
M. Kuttge, F.J. García de Abajo, and A. Polman, Optics Express 17, 10385 (2009) - Fabry–Pérot resonators for surface plasmon polaritons probed by cathodoluminescence
M. Kuttge, E. J. R. Vesseur, and A. Polman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 183104 (2009) - Surface plasmon polariton modes in a single-crystal Au nanoresonator fabricated using focussed ion beam milling
E.J.R. Vesseur, R. de Waele, H.J. Lezec, H.A. Atwater, J. Garcia de Abajo, and A. Polman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92,83110 (2008) - Loss mechanisms of surface plasmon polaritons on gold probed by cathodoluminescence imaging spectroscopy
M. Kuttge, E. J. R. Vesseur, J. Verhoeven, H. J. Lezec, H. A. Atwater, and A. Polman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 113110 (2008) - Direct imaging of propagation and damping of near-resonance surface plasmon polaritons using cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
J.T. van Wijngaarden, E. Verhagen, A. Polman, C.E. Ross, H.J. Lezec, and H.A. Atwater, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 221111 (2006), also featured in Science 312 1719 (2006)
7) CL excitation and imaging of plasmons, Mie modes
- Direct imaging of hybridized eigenmodes in coupled silicon nanoparticles
J. van de Groep, T. Coenen, S.A. Mann, and A. Polman, Optica 3, 93 (2016) - Gallium plasmonics: deep-subwavelength spectroscopic imaging of single and interacting gallium nanoparticles
M. Knight, T. Coenen, Y. Yang, B.J.M. Brenny, M. Losurdo, A.S. Brown, H.O. Everitt, and A. Polman, ACS Nano 9,2049 (2015) - Nanoscale spatial coherent control over the modal excitation of a coupled plasmonic resonator system
T. Coenen, D.T. Schoen, S.A. Mann, S.R.K. Rodriguez, B.J.M. Brenny, A. Polman, and M.L. Brongersma, Nano Lett. 15, 7666 (2015) - Nanoscale excitation mapping of plasmonic patch antennas
A. Motashami, T. Coenen, A. Polman and A.F. Koenderink, ACS Photon. 1, 1134 (2014) - Optical properties of single plasmonic holes probed with electron beam excitation
T. Coenen, and A. Polman, ACS Nano 8, 7350 (2014) - Directional emission from a single plasmonic scatterer
T. Coenen, F. Bernal Arango, A.F. Koenderink, and A. Polman, Nature Comm. 5, 3250 (2014) - Resonant Mie modes of single silicon nanocavities excited by electron irradiation
T. Coenen, J. van de Groep, and A. Polman, ACS Nano 7, 1689 (2013) - Planar parabolic optical antenna
D.T. Schoen, T. Coenen, F.J. García de Abajo, M.L. Brongersma, and A. Polman, Nano Lett. 13, 188(2013) - Dispersive ground plane antennas core-shell type optical monopole antennas fabricated with electron beam induced deposition
H. Acar, T. Coenen, A. Polman and L. Kuipers, ACS Nano 12, 8226 (2012) - Plasmonic whispering gallery cavities as optical nanoantennas
E.J.R. Vesseur and A. Polman, Nano Lett. 11, 5524 (2011) - Controlled spontaneous emission from plasmonic whispering gallery nanoantennas
E.J.R. Vesseur and A. Polman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 231112 (2011) - Imaging of hidden modes in ultra-thin plasmonic strip antennas by cathodoluminescence
E.S. Barnard, T. Coenen, E.J.R. Vesseur, A. Polman, and M.L. Brongersma, Nano Lett. 11, 4265 (2011) - Broadband Purcell enhancement in plasmonic ring cavities
E. J.R. Vesseur, F.J. García de Abajo, and A. Polman, Phys. Rev. B. 82, 165419 (2010) - Ultrasmall mode volume plasmonic nanodisk resonators
M. Kuttge, F.J. García de Abajo and A. Polman, Nano Lett. 10, 1537 (2009) - Direct observation of plasmonic modes in Au nanowires using high-resolution cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
E.J.R. Vesseur, R. de Waele, M. Kuttge, and A. Polman, Nano Lett. 7, 2843 (2007) - Plasmonic modes in annular nanoresonators studied by spectrally resolved cathodoluminescence
C.E. Hofmann, F.J.R. Vesseur, L.A. Sweatlock, H. Lezec, J. Garcia de Abajo, A. Polman, and H.A. Atwater, Nano Lett. 7, 3612 (2007)
8) Other CL papers
- Electrons catch light pulses on the fly
A. Polman and F.J. García de Abajo, Science 383, 149 (2024) (Perspective Article) - Tunable plasmonic HfN nanoparticles and arrays
S. Askes, N. Schilder, A. Polman, and E. Garnett, Nanoscale 11, 20252 (2019) - Spatial resolution of coherent cathodoluminescence super-resolution microscopy
J. Schefold, S. Meuret, N. Schilder, H. Agrawal, E. Garnett, and A. Polman, ACS Photon. 6, 1067 (2019) - Shape-preserving transformation of carbonate minerals into lead halide perovskite semiconductors based on ion exchange/insertion reactions
T. Holtus, L. Helmbrecht, H.C. Hendrikse, I. Baglai, S. Meuret, G.W.P. Adhyaksa, E. C. Garnett and W.L. Noorduin, Nature Chem. 10, 740 (2018) - Efficient green emission from wurtzite AlxIn1xP nanowires
L. Gagliano, M. Kruijsse, J.D.D. Schefold, A. Belabbes, M.A. Verheijen, S. Meuret, S. Koelling, A. Polman, F. Bechstedt, J.E.M. Haverkort, and E.P.A.M. Bakkers, Nano Lett. 18, 3543 (2018) - Correlative EELS and CL on 3D plasmonic split-ring resonators
I.C. Bicket Edson, P. Bellido, S. Meuret, A. Polman, and G.A. Botton, Microscopy 6, i40 (2018) - Surface plasmon polariton modes in coaxial metal-dielectric-metal waveguides
M.A. van de Haar, B.J.M. Brenny, R.C. Maas, and A. Polman, New. Journ. Phys. 18, 043016 (2016) - Controlling magnetic dipole modes in hollow Si Mie nano-resonators
M.A. van de Haar, J. van de Groep, B.J.M. Brenny, and A. Polman, Opt. Expr. 24, 2047 (2016) - Solution-grown silver nanowire ordered arrays as transparent electrodes
B. Sciacca, J. van de Groep, A. Polman and E.C. Garnett, Adv. Mater. 28, 905 (2016) - Photoelectron imaging of modal interference in plasmonic whispering gallery cavities
P. Melchior, D. Kilbane, E.J.R. Vesseur, A. Polman, and M. Aeschlimann, Opt. Expr. 23, 31619 (2015) - Cathodoluminescence microscopy
T. Coenen, B.J.M. Brenny, E.J.R. Vesseur, and A. Polman, MRS Bull. 40, 359 (2015)