CL papers by topic

1) Review articles, basics of CL
2) Interferometry, holography, metrology
3) CL photon bunching, single-photon generation
4) PINEM, Smith-Purcell radiation, CL-EELS correlations
5) Ultrafast CL, lifetime measurements
6) Angle-resolved CL, energy-momentum spectroscopy, dispersion spectroscopy, polarimetry
7) CL excitation and imaging of Mie modes
8) Other CL papers

The most relevant introductory papers are marked in green

1) Review articles, basics of CL

2) CL interferometry, holography, metrology

3) CL photon bunching, single-photon generation

4) PINEM, Smith-Purcell radiation, CL-EELS correlations

5) Ultrafast CL, lifetime measurements

6) Angle-resolved CL, energy-momentum spectroscopy, dispersion spectroscopy, polarimetry

7) CL excitation and imaging of plasmons, Mie modes

8) Other CL papers