
Welcome to the Photonic Materials Group!

IntroductionPhotonic materialsDepartmentAMOLFOur laboratories
Technical supportFacilities supportAdmin supportWork organisationSafety
Working hoursConferencesGraduate schoolGroup projectsKey publications

Introduction to Amolf

The Photonic Materials Group

Our department

  • LMPV– Sustainable energy materials department: 5 collaborating research groups. Group leaders: Bruno Ehrler, Esther Alarcon Llado, Erik Garnett, Wiebke Albrecht, Albert Polman.
  • Bi-weekly LMPV Colloquium: Thursdays 9.00-10.30 hr. Everyone in LMPV presents about once a year, see the schedule of speakers. Starts January 16. Presentation instructions are here.
  • Bi-weekly LMPV + Nanophotonics Poster Session: Thursdays 9.00-10.30 hr., see the session schedule: LMPV groups + the groups of Ewold Verhagen, Femius Koenderink and Said Rodriguez. Everyone in our group presents a poster 2-3 times a year, see our group schedule. Starts January 9. Poster presentation instructions are here.
  • LMPV Quarterly Meetings with a half-day program of talks, an excursion, etc.. The next one is on January 13 (talks at AMOLF); the following one is an excursion to Energyra later in the Spring.
  • Annual LMPV Spring dinner. The next one is on Tuesday, April 1 at Bruno’s place.
  • Annual LMPV welcome barbecue for master students: in the first week of September.
  • LMPV summer school, in Chambéry, in the French Alps, June 22-27.


  • Bi-weekly colloquium, Mondays 11.00-12.00 hr.: short colloquium by an AMOLF PhD/PD, main colloquium by an external speaker. Announced by e-maiI.
  • Bi-weekly Thursday announcements of the director, Thursdays 10.45-11.00 hr.. Announced by e-mail. The announcements are also posted online.
  • Monthly drinks are organized by the PV, in addition to Easter lunch, a summer barbecue in June, a PV outing, and a Christmas lunch festival in December.

Our group’s laboratories

  • E0.13 Witec optical microscope, integrating sphere, angle-resolved scattering, new SEM-CL system
  • E0.14a “Quanta-light” SEM-CL: photo-emission SEM-CL system with high-power fs laser
  • E0.07 (nanolab SEM room): “Big-Quanta”: SEM-CL system
  • E0.07 (nanolab SEM room): Helios FIB-SEM-CL system (Nanolab user facility)

AMOLF technical support groups

AMOLF facility support groups

AMOLF administration support groups

  • Finance: declare your costs of small items and domestic travel on the UBW website, declare the costs of conference trips (see below).
  • Human Resources (HR): see the YouForce website for your employee benefits, selling/buying holidays etc.
  • Secretarial Office: Floortje is our secretary, other secretaries are available for you too.
  • Program office: Tom coordinates our program user meetings (Perform, Catlight, OTP).

Work organisation and your well-being

Safety – courses to take

Working hours and policy

  • See AMOLF-HR regulation: a working day counts 8,5 hours including lunch, and starts within the timeframe 8:00 – 9:30 hr.
  • See AMOLF-HR regulation: our group follows the “working from home occasionally” policy.
  • Everyone is free to take vacation whenever they like. Check you holiday balance at YouForce.

AMOLF graduate school – your activities in the first year (for PhDs only)

Conference visits

Our group’s collaborative research programs

Click here for an overview of the projects in our group, and who is working on what project.

Key publications

Biography of CL papers from our group. The most relevant papers to read first are indicated.
Bibliography of key papers in the EBEAM research field on ultrafast and quantum electron-light-matter interactions. We will discuss which ones to read.
Bibliography of PV papers from our group.

Enjoy the start of your project!