Running research projects

Our group’s collaborative research programs; and who is working on what project.

Please keep the proposals that are behind the links confidential.

– Photovoltaics

  • PERFORM: NWO KIC program: Roll-to-roll perovskite tandem solar cell technology using environmentally-friendly synthesis and flash annealing (LMPV + TNO + several companies): Robin
  • SolarNL: National Growth Fund program Circular high-efficiency integrated solar panels (10 companies, TNO, 6universities, 4 universities of applied sciences, AMOLF) with academic program SolarLab (AMOLF, RUG, TUD, TUE, UT, UU, UvA): Robin, vacancy
  • AMOLF-UvA collaboration proven: vacancy


  • AMOLF-ARCNL program: Cathodoluminescence tomography for semiconductors device inspection and analysis: Sam, Stan
  • EBEAM: European Pathfinder program: Electron Beams Enhancing Analytical Microscopy (AMOLF, CNRS, ICFO, Universities of Antwerpen, Göttingen, and Kiel, ThermoFisher, Delmic) EBEAM website: Noemie, Alvaro (Sergio)
  • CATLIGHT: NWO KIC program: Steering and sensing sustainable catalytic reactions with light (LMPV, UU, BASF, Delmic, DENSSolutions, ExxonMobil, Shell, Toyota): Hollie, Evelijn
  • NWO NetGen HighTech program: Multibeam cathodoluminescence (with TUD, ASML, Delmic): Magda, vacancy
  • NWO-HTSM project: Pump-probe cathodoluminescence microscopy (with Delmic, ThermoFisher): Nika

– Metasurfaces

  • NWO-OTP project: Mathematics at the speed of light: Tunable analog optical computing metasurfaces (with UvA, WiTec, Delmic): vacancy
  • MURI: Multi-University Research Initiative (USA): Meta-imaging: sensing, processing and computing with dynamic metasurfaces (US universities Caltech, CUNY, Harvard, Pennsylvania, Stanford, AMOLF, IMEC); we are international partner (no personnel).

– Other programs

  • QEWS: ERC Advanced Grant: Quantum Electron Wavepacket Spectroscopy; Sam, Stan, Hollie, Tomas
  • EXPLEIN: Electron transport experimental Investigation of perovskites using light and electron injection at the nanoscale: Saskia
  • SHINE: Shining light on atomic-scale processes: TEM/light facility (PI: Wiebke Albrecht)
  • NWO-ENW project: Quantum electron wavepacket synthesizer: Evelijn, Hollie